The Team

RV Robertson

The brains of our outfit, RV Robertson. Elk Specialist and the best story teller you will ever meet. Not to mention horse trainer, rancher, master carpenter, historian, etc.

Elisha Robertson

RV’s son and general right hand man. Paint balling, varmint hunting extraordinaire. Professional re-loader and gun enthusiast.

Eleeshea Hagen

RV’s daughter. Co-director, slave driver, writer, archer, dog breeder/trainer, horse trainer, and laboriously outnumbered family organizer. (By the way, don’t ask her, she’d never admit this.)

Melina Robertson

RV’s wife, half his age, twice his height! Chief troublemaker gab fest extraordinaire and all around pinch hitter.

Yancey Sullivan

RV’s grandson. Assiduous blade-smith, ardent welder, fanatic skier, number one right hand man. He may not talk a lot but when he says something it’s worth hearing.

Lisa Bressman

RV’s daughter in law. Head cook and gardener. Our “go to” girl for anything and everything. When we see her we say “Never fear! Lisa is here!”

Deborah Jones

Head wrangler, goat milker, and hands down the best helper on any project. If you need to know where something is, ask Deborah. If you have a question about the animals, ask Deborah.

Amy (Yulia) Custer

RV’s sidekick and protege. Horse training apprentice and able kitchen assistant. Young and upcoming violin virtuoso, cross-country skier and piano extraordinaire.

Carrie Jo Robertson

RV’s daughter-in-law. Cheerful dog training apprentice, avid horse riding enthusiast, HPDI cheering squad and oil on troubled waters.